Monday, 3 June 2013

Fashion Assistant: Rosa-Safiah Connell

Being a Fashion Assistant is hard work, believe me. Nevertheless, in between the never ending sourcing, planning, schmoozing, physical labour and general miracle-working, you get to experience some fantastic things and accomplish unbelievable feats without anyone ever knowing.

Fashion Assistants world-wide are the silent worker bees of the fashion industry. With a lot of responsibility and stress teamed with little praise and many consequences, few will rise out of the trenches without too many scars but those who do will be able to put their years of learning, experience and creativity to good use.  A hopeful in the painfully glamorous industry is Elle UK's Rosa-Safiah Connell.

Besides being startlingly gorgeous and chic, Rosa worked at Dazed and Confused, writes for Harpers Bazaar and currently works as a Fashion Assistant at Elle UK at the age of 24. The girl seems to be a natural, evident not only by her inherent style but also her understanding and empathy for the everyday battle women of any age and size go through when dressing and shopping.

'The key is not to impulse-buy.' says Rosa in an interview with Mail Online. 'Clothing is so personal, so go with your instinct.

'I always remember who I am when I'm looking at trends - I don't try to reinvent my style with each outfit.'

'I crave designer pieces because I look at them and touch them all the time at work. But I'm not a label snob - I shop a lot on the High Street.

'When it comes to vintage, you really have to put in the hours to find good stuff.

Luckily I have a passion for hunting out clothing. I go to Portobello Market in London, and when I travel for work, I go to the fleamarkets in Paris and the thrift stores in New York.

'If it really strikes a chord with you, or you'll know you'll always wear it, then it's right.'

Pictures sourced from here, here and here.

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